Presidium of NAS RK
Presidium of NAS RK08
Composition of the Presidium of the RPA "NAS RK"
No. |
Full name, position |
Tel. office /home/mobile |
1. |
Zhurinov Murat Zhurinovich (1941), President of NAS RK, academician |
2. |
Zharmenov Abdurasul Aldashevich (1956), Vice President – Chief Scientific Secretary, academician of NAS RK |
+77017775151 |
3. |
Beisembetov Iskander Kalybekovich (1966), Vice-President, academician of NAS RK |
257 70 01/02р, +77010270009 вп |
4. |
Absametov Malis Kudysovich (1953), Deputy Chairman of the Department of Physical, Mathematical and Technical Sciences, Academician of NAS RK |
+7701 714 63 94
5. |
Abylkasymova Alma Yesimbekovna (1949), Deputy Chairman of the Department of Social Sciences and Humanities, academician of NAS RK |
+7 701 322 88 64 |
6. |
Alchinbayev Mirzakarim Karimovich (1955), Chairman of the Department of Chemical-Biological and Medical Sciences , Academician of NAS RK |
+77017712323 |
7. |
Begentaev Meiram Mukhametrakhimovich (1974), honorary academician of NAS RK |
+77017122707 |
8. |
Gabdullin Maratbek Tulebergenovich (1980), honorary academician of NAS RK |
+77017103332 |
9. |
Dyusenbekov Zayrolla Dyusenbekovich (1937), Chairman of the Central Kazakhstan Regional Department in Astana, academician of NAS RK |
8(7172)32-02-28 д., +7 7772111917 вп |
10. |
Yespolov Tlektes Isabaevich (1952), academician of NAS RK |
+7 702 734 01 22
11. |
Kabuldinov Ziyabek Ermukhanovich (1965), Chairman of the Department of Social Sciences and Humanities, Academician of the NAS RK |
+77014070164 |
12. |
Kalimoldaev Maksat Nuradilovich (1957), Deputy Chairman of the Department of Physical, Mathematical and Technical Sciences, academician of NAS RK |
+7 701 2107379; +7 705 3368705 |
13. |
Kozhamzharova Daria Perneshovna (1962), Chairman of the Regional South Kazakhstan Branch, Shymkent, academician of NAS RK |
+7 701915 5553 |
14. |
Koigeldiev Mambet Kulzhabaiuly (1947), academician of NAS RK |
+77012525746 |
15. |
Kazhybek Yerden Zadauly (1955), corresponding member of NAS RK |
+7708 971 14 02 |
16. |
Lokshin Vyacheslav Notanovich (1958), Rector of the Institute of Reproductive Medicine, Academician of NAS RK |
3112648 д. 2642441 р. 87017558209 вп чат |
17. |
Matyzhanov Kenzhekhan Slyamzhanovich (1957), corresponding member of NAS RK |
+77017265590 |
18. |
Moldabekov Meirbek Moldabekovich (1947), Chairman of the Department of Physical, Mathematical and Technical Sciences, academician of NAS RK |
299-81-06 +77773300803 вп чат |
19. |
Muldakhmetov Marat Zainulovich (1957), Advisor to the President of NAS RK, academician of NAS RK |
+7776 111 87 91 вп чат |
20. |
Nurgozhin Talgat Seitzhanovich (1967), Deputy Chairman of the Department of Chemical-Biological and Medical Sciences, Corresponding Member of NAS RK |
+77772497772, +77015191331
21. |
Rakhimov Kairolla Dyusenbaevich (1948), Deputy Chairman of the Department of Chemical-Biological and Medical Sciences, Academician of NAS RK |
291-88-40 д., +77010154848 |
22. |
Suleev Dosym Kasymovich (1947), academician of NAS RK |
+7 7772583333 вп чат +7 7019593333 |
23. |
Tuimebaev Zhanseit Kanseitovich (1958), Honorary Academician of NAS RK |
24. |
Tuleuov Borash Iglikovich (1960), academician of NAS RK |
+7 7089593473 |