National Academy of Science
Republic of Kazakhstan

Structure of the NAS RK

Administration of NAS RK

Zhurinov Murat Zhurinovich

Acting President of NAS RK, Academician, Chairman of the Bureau

Zharmenov Abdurasul Aldashevich

First Vice President, Academician, Member of the Bureau

+7 701 777 51 51

Beisembetov Iskander Kalybekovich

Vice President, Academician, Member of the Bureau

+7 701 027 0009

Moldabekov Meirbek

Vice President, Chairman Department of chemistry and technology of NAS RK

+7 777 330 0803

Kabuldinov Ziyabek Ermukhanovich

Chief Advisor to the President of NAS RK, Chairman of the Department of Social Sciences and Humanities, Academician, Member of the Bureau

+7 7014070164

Musakhanova Rysaldy Asilkhanovna

Representative of NAS RK in Astana